M: 07826 232 051
E: jill@harlequin-agility.co.uk
The Harlequin Canine Academy holds regular courses for obedience in the safety of the indoor training school and in secure fields throughout the summer.
Each 6 week course provides the same experienced instructor to work through a series of exercises and disciplines using positive reinforcement techniques. Clicker training, in my opinion, is the most effective means of two way communication between you and your dog. Clicker training will be explained and demonstrated.
Give me a chance to 'shape' you into a training method where
your dog has to do a bit of thinking for himself - and
before long you will be click - treating everyone in the
family too!
Classes are held on Monday and Tuesday evenings. For further details please contact jill@harlequin-agility.co.uk
The Harlequin Canine Academy has been awarded accredited status from the Kennel Club to conduct their "Good Citizen's" Dog Scheme. Dogs and their handlers work through various obedience skills, and are taught the importance of care and the responsibilities of dog ownership.
The scheme has four levels to aspire to: Puppy Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Your dog - regardless of age and size, pedigree or cross breed "is a dog" - and ALL will be welcome to work towards a recognised level of training that REALLY tests you and your dogs skills - and be extremely proud of your achievements... "Teamwork" at it's best!